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Wastewater Treatment

AlgEn offers sustainable bioremediation solutions for industrial, agricultural and municipal wastewater treatment. Waste streams can not only be more completely biologically treated, but can be turned into value. Combined algal and bacterial treatment solutions provide many advantages, such as: in-situ use of solar energy, substantially lower operational cost (aeration), substantially better heavy metal removal with possible recuperation, better energy and mass efficiency, lower GHG emissions (negative CO2 balance), no need for tertiary polishing, useful and valuable biomass and innovative technology.


Construction of hybrid microalgal-bacterial wastewater treatment facilities is a unique approach used by AlgEn, which allows traditional energy hungry aerobic treatment to be used in poor weather conditions and on rare occasions when the algae-bacterial process runs in trouble.

Hybrid treatment eliminates all risks associated with weather and innovative technology. AlgEn is able to cooperate with any reputable provider of wastewater treatment facilities: the conventional part is constructed in the proven way, adjustments to the technology are handled by AlgEn.

Confocal algae-bacterial sludge images

Goričane pilot plant video

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